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Publication/Production List




- Rancho de Amor - (novel), West Margin Press (Ingram Books), Berkeley, CA and Memphis, Tennessee, ed. Jennifer Newens and Olivia Gnai


- Askew -- Found and Lost in the Almost South of France (poetry/memoir) - revised second edition, ed. the Author and Susan Vogel.



- Zippez – (opera recording) CD, iTunes, Spotify, etc. recording by Warner Records and Ghostlight


- Zipperz - (opera libretto/book) G. Schirmer/AMP/BMI, New York, (Nat Stookey, composer)


- Askew -- Found and Lost in the Almost South of France (poetry/memoir) - first edtion, Pince-Nez Press, San Francisco, CA, ed. Susan Vogel. First edition.


- A Child’s California (non-fiction, children’s book), Westwind Press, Portland, Oregon, ed. Tricia Brown 


- A Look Back (non-fiction history of the French American International School), Graphic Arts Center Publishing, Portland, OR, ed. Jane Camblin


- Colliding with Chris (fiction, children’s book), Hyperion Books For Children (a division of Disney), New York, New York, ed. Howard Reeves

- San Francisco; Points of View (essays for a photo/essay book), Graphic Arts Center Publishing, Portland, Oregon, ed. Doug Pfeiffer


- France (text for a photo/essay book), Graphic Arts Center Publishing, Portland, Oregon, ed. Doug Pfeiffer


- Generous Misgivings (chapbook of poetry), Studio 301, San Francisco, California, ed. Dino Vinti

- Rave (chapbook of poetry with two other poets, Anne Freyda and Kevin Kissell), Back Alley Press, Santa Cruz, California, ed. Trish Steinhart






- SF Chronicle, (see “Poetry” for August 26, 2018 – Insight Section used 5 of my poems and some explanatory prose as an editorial opinion piece), Lois Kazakoff, editor


- “The Tempest in the Trivium” (academic essay on Shakespeare – somewhat longer version) Upstart Crow, Clemson University, ed. Elizabeth Rivlin, Volume 26, Fall, p. 70


- “The Tempest in the Trivium” (academic essay on Shakespeare – shorter version) Connotations, Volume 15, numbers 1-3, Waxmann Munster/New York, ed. Matthias Bauer,
University of Tubingen, Germany


- "The Last Perfect Place" (feature article) West Magazine, LA Times, May 13, edited and co-authored by Ann Herold.


- "Lost in Translation", (featured essay) SF Chronicle Magazine, SF Chronicle, July 9, ed. Alison Biggar

 - "For the Love of Stinky Cheese", (essay) West Magazine, LA Times, April 23, ed. Ann Herold.


- "The Royal Visit", (humorous commentary), The California Report (California Public Radio and KQED), November 4, produced by Stacy Bond

 - “Steve Kirby,” (biographical essay), The Sierra Club Yodeler, March, ed. Don Foreman, Oakland, CA


- “The Need for Speed,” (feature essay), Los Angeles Times Magazine, January 18, ed. Ann Herold,


- “Helen Chaplin,” (feature essay), Los Angeles Times Magazine, August 3, ed. Ann Herold,


- “Dan Sullivan,” (biographical article) The Sierra Club Yodeler, February, ed. Don Foreman, Oakland, CA


- “Love Letters” (article), (a): A Journal of Culture and the Unconscious, ed. Juliet Flower MacCannell, San Francisco, CA (The Lacan Circle)


- “Are Superpowers a Metaphor for Personal Transformation?”, article, Super Being under aegis of ColorGraphics, ed. David Halliwill


- “The Mood in the Haight” (cultural report), National Public Radio, All Things Considered, December 9, ed. Tom Cole,


- “The New Old Haight” (op-ed), San Francisco Chronicle, Wednesday, October 4, ed. Lois Kazakoff,

 - “Surfing Commentary” (commentary), National Public Radio, Morning Edition, January 29, ed. Neva Grant,


- “Finding God in LA” (feature article), Los Angeles Times Magazine, January 28, ed. Ann Herold,

 - “Side by Side” (feature article), San Francisco Chronicle, Sunday Section, April 15, ed. Lois Kazakoff,


-  “When the Bough Breaks” (point of view article), San Francisco Chronicle, Sunday, December 31, ed. Heidi Swillinger

 - “Riding Blind” (first person essay), San Francisco Chronicle, Sunday, November 26, ed. Heidi Swillinger

 - “Cross-Culture Cookie” (article), Saveur Magazine, April, ed. Margo True

- “California Dreaming” (feature article), Los Angeles Times Magazine, Sunday, October 24, ed. Ann Herold


-  “A Most Solitary Place” (feature article in the “First Person” series), Los Angeles Times Magazine, Sunday, Aug. 1, ed. Ann Herold

- “A Logic Beyond Reason” (feature review about science fiction writer J. G. Ballard), San Francisco Review of Books, vol. 9, no. 3, ed. Ron Nowicki

-  “Freedom’s Gamble” (short story), San Francisco Review of Books, vol. 8, no. 6, ed. Ron Nowicki (used pseudonym Peter Stark, wrote about other pseudonym Christine Dutton)



- “Without Within” (short story), Coin de la Rue Presse, Paris, France






- “Utopia Maldita”, a play in 6 parts, the first of which premiered at The Farm performance space in San Francisco, music by Richard Marriott, video by Gustavo Vasquez, Sage = Sara Moore, Seeker = Ruby Day, produced by Circuit Network, November 1



- “A Celebration of Walt Whitman” – dramatic readings of Whitman’s poetry directed by me at and produced by the Mechanics Institute Library/DADA Bar, June 29



- “A Killer Story” – scored performance, Pivotal Labs, San Francisco, CA, Tuesday, March 20. Directed by author.


- “At the Corner” zipper poem performed as part of Sunday Service at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto, Brian Weller and Amy Zucker Morgenstern performing, Sunday, September 9.



- “Shapes” – staged reading, one of four plays in the Murphys Creek Theatre “Festival of New Plays”, Sunday, October 9. 


- “The Clean Break”, produced by and at Murphys Creek Theatre, Murphys, CA. 5 week run, Feb. 19 – March 20. Directed by Graham Scott Green.



- “The Clean Break” – staged reading, one of three plays in the Murphys Creek Theater “Festival of New Plays”, Friday, November 6. 



- “Quartet #1 for Three Characters and Cello”, produced by Art Shack Media, 11/22, Litteraturhuset,  Oslo, Norway, with Thale Tornes, Torgny Aanderaa and Dean Clark


- “A Killer Story”, scored performance, produced by Gallery Players, McMinnville, Oregon, directed by Teresa Van de Vere., 8/9, 10, 11.


-  “A Killer Story”, scored performance, produced by the Mechanics Library, 3/26 and 27, directed by Dan Harder, cast: Dixon Phillips, Lauren Tannenbaum, Steven Winn, with pianist/composer Randy Craig



- “A Killer Story”, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, The Greenside Venue, August 19-25, Edinburgh, Scotland, a Dean Clark/Mr. Bobby Production, cast: Dean Clark, Thale Tornes, Torgny Aanderaa, and Joe LaCasce on saxophone, directed by Dean Clark


- “A Killer Story”, equity production with Ryan O’Donnell, Madeline H. D. Brown, and Robert Parsons, directed by Michelle Haner, in the Main Stage at The Marsh, Berkeley, 4/12 through 5/18 Thursday, Friday, Sunday.


- “A Killer Story”, staged reading at the Norwegian Actors’ Centre, Oslo, Norway, 3/10



- "Zipperz, a SoaPOPera", zippered libretto by Dan Harder, music by Nat Stookey, Marin Symphony 3/13 & 3/15, Marin Symphony, Alasdar Neale conducting, Manoel Felciano (tenor), Robin Coomer (mezzo)


- "A Killer Story," stage-reading, equity, with Robert Parsons, Alexandra Creighton, and Anthony Nemirovsky, 2/6, a "Savory Thymes" fundraiser at Hillside Gardens, Mill Valley, CA.  Directed by Chris Smith with music by Mark Growden



- "A Killer Story", stage-reading, equity, produced by Sergei Varshavsky, with Robert Parsons, Julia McNeal, and Jack Willis, 7/6, Porto Franco Art Parlor, 953 Valenica St. SF.



- "A Killer Story", stage-reading, equity, with Robert Parsons, Julia Brothers, and Gabe Marin, directed by Mark Routier, 4/16, Throckmorton Theater, Mill Valley (produced by the Playwright's Lab).


- "Zipperz, a SoaPOPera", zippered libretto by Dan Harder, music by Nat Stookey, Season-Opening Concert at the Paramount Theater, 11/14, Oakland East Bay Symphony, Michael Morgon conducting, Manoel Felciano (tenor), Eisa Davis (mezzo)


- "Maria Hidalgo-Smith Wears the Highest Heels", equity staged-reading, directed by Ken Sonkin, Throckmorten Theater, Mill Valley (produced by Playwrights Lab)


- “This Time” (reworking of “Pretty Girl Goes to the Movies” monologue for two characters) rehearsed reading, equity cast, Feb. 22-23, Throckmorten Theater, Mill Vallery, directed by Joel Mullenix, with Amy Resnik


- "Timing" (rehearsed reading, equity cast), Feb. 23-24, Throckmorten Theater, Mill Vallery, directed by Phoebe Moyer


- "Shapes", (rehearsed reading, equity cast), May 22, Throckmorten Theater, Mill Valley, directed by Greg Meyer, equity cast, produced by the Playwrights' Lab


- "Tack", a short play, February 3 and 4, Throckmorten Theater, Mill Valley, directed by Tony Kelly, produced by the Playwrights' Lab (part of the "Playwrights with Attitude Festival")


-  "The Clean Break", (rehearsed reading, equity cast) April 21, Throkmorten Theater, Mill Valley, directed by Ken Sonkin, produced by the Playwrights’ Lab


- "Quartet #1 for Three Characters and Cello", Sept. 30 – Oct. 23 (Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays), Actors’ Theater, downtown San Francisco, directed by Alan Quismorio, produced by SteinBeck Presents, an equity waiver production


- "The Clean Break", workshop performance, Oct. 19, Exit Theater, directed by Christine Young, produced by Amy Mueller and In the Rough

- "Quartet #1 for Three Characters and Cello" (full-length, staged reading), May 10, Abingdon Theater, NYC, directed by Kate Bushman

- "Quartet #1 for Three Characters and Cello" (rehearsed reading), April 26, Chashama Theater, 42nd Street, NYC, produced and directed by Kiara Downey

- "Quartet #1 for Three Characters and Cello" (staged reading), February 14, First Universalist Unitarian Church Theater, Walnut Creek, CA, produced and directed by Marc Murai


-  “Political Cabaret”, produced by Bernie Weiner, performed monologues "When the Savage Hordes Come Riding Into Town" and "Poetic Math" (with John Santos backing both on drums), The Marsh, June 26, (with Geoff Hoyle and others)

- "Quartet #1 for Three Characters and Cello" (One-Act version), three performances, April 25, 26, 27, The Western Stage, Salinas, CA, directed by Linda Hancock (part of their One-Act Festival)


- "Quartet #1 for Three Characters and Cello", (full-length, staged reading), November 4, The Magic Theater, San Francisco, directed by Emily Koch

- "Quartet #1 for Three Characters and Cello" (June 11, with Bernie Weiner), The Marsh, San Francisco, music composed by Randy Craig, directed by Kiara Downey (presented as a One-Act, staged-reading)


-  PBS film of "Colliding with Chris" (symphonic treatment by Nat Stookey) aired on North Carolina affiliate stations, June - American Premiere, March 17, by the North Carolina Symphony of "Colliding with Chris", symphonic treatment composed by Nat Stookey based on my book of the same title. Represented by BMI.


- Symphonic Treatment of "Colliding with Chris" composed by Nathaniel Stookey for the Halle Symphony Orchestra, Manchester, England, Patricia Routledge - narrator, Kent Nagano, conductor


- "Androktasia" (excerpted for use in production, “Words – The Front Line”), Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon, Kate Hawkes - director


-"Trying Angles" (four week run), Gallery Players of Oregon, McMinnville, Oregon, Joanne Walker - director

- “Pretty Girl Goes to the Movies” (monologue), LA MAMA ETC, New York, New York, (part of their “American Monologues” festival)


- "Androktasia" (staged reading), Company One, Hartford, Connecticut, directed by Juanita Rockwell

- "Trying Angles" (four week run – equity), Bannam Place Theater, San Francisco, California, Andrea Gordon,  director, cast: Maureen Coyne, Samuel Gregory, Delia MacDougall, Soren Oliver, and Nancy Shelby


- I directed a four-week run of two modern Noh plays by Yukio Mishima as a guest director at Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon



- "Androktasia" (four week run), San Francisco Jewish Community Theater, San Francisco, California, Peter Luce - director


- "Androktasia" (two week run), Footworks Theater, San Francisco, California, Peter Luce, director






- poem "Take, for example/the pristine air" in Visions and Affiliations, A California Literary Timeline:  Poets and Poetry 1940 -2005 by Jack Foley, 


- poem “Out of Place” in Cloud View Poets, published by Arctos Press, Sausalito, CA, ed. CB Follett


- poem “The Poppy” in Stories from Where We Live, The California Coast published by Milkweed Editions, Cambridge, Massachusetts, ed. Sara St. Antoine


- poems “Is like/nothing like” and “Form/unformed/perfect” in Standing on the Ceiling published by Foxfold Press, Sausalito, California, ed. Jo Fox


- poem “Anderson Windows” in Scream When You Burn published by Incommunicado Press, San Diego, California, ed. Rob Cohen


- poems “As if in the Ancient Body” and “To See the Elephant” in Frontiers of Modern Poetry published by Blue Heron Press, Houston, Texas


- poem “Webeast Lustloving to Civilize a Womb” in Arvon International Poetry Competition Anthology published by the Arvon Foundation, Sotheby’s, The London Observer, and Duncan Lawrie Limited, Devon, England






- “E Pluribus…” in SF Chronicle, Insight Section, commission to write poem about the mid-term election, ed. Lois Kazakoff, Sunday, November 11

- “At the Corner”. “Can Sadness Be Serene”, “Wild Horses”, “Delusions of Grandeur”, and “Tent Man and Bag” in San Francisco Chronicle, Insight Section (cover!), ed. Lois Kazakof, Sunday, August 26



- "Neighbors in a Small French Village" in In Posse Review, Spring, ed. Susan Terris



- "Charlie, Adolf, or the Red Man", Autolycus - rogue literary journal #2, ed. Genie Cartier


- “Out of Place” and “The Woman Who Sells Cosmetics”, Facets, ed. Anne Howard


- “Pre-limn”, Amherst Review, vol. 30, Amherst, Mass., ed. Jaycelle Pequet

- “Nesika’s Farm”, Peregrine, Amherst, Mass. ed. Caroline Pelletier


-  “To See the Elephant”, Runes, no. 1, Sausalito, CA, ed. CB Follett and Susan Terris


- “Redhead at the Mall”, Poetry Motel, no. 29, Duluth, Minnesota, ed. Linda Ericson


- “The Poppy”, Birmingham Poetry Review, no. 18, ed. Randy Blythe


- “To See the Elephant”, Frontiers (“The Heroes Journey”), vol. 2, Fall, ed. Bradley Earle


- “Blowing Hot When It Should Be Cold”, Haight-Ashbury Literary Journal, summer, ed. Joanne Hotchkis


- “Form/ unformed/ perfect”, “The Poppy”, and “Santa Monica Zenway”, Witness, vol. 9, no. 1, Farmington Hills, Michigan, ed. Peter Stein

- “To comfort/ was too much” and “Endlessly/forever/and again”, W’ORCS, vol. 10, January, Cincinnati, Ohio, ed. Raoul


- “Anderson Windows”, Caffeine, no. 10, Los Angeles, California

- “Woman in a Striped Dashiki”, “A Make-over on the Coast”, “The Santa Monica Zenway”, “Huck and Jim in Cowboy Hats”, and “A Redhead at the Mall”, W’ORCS, September, Cincinnati, Ohio, ed. Raoul

- “You/ with the hundred tongues of fear”, Maverick Press, November, Eagle Pass, Texas, ed. Carol Cullar 

- “The Pieces of a Dig”, Maverick Press, April, Eagle Pass, Texas, ed. Carol Cullar


- “Take, for example/ the pristine air”, reprinted from Poetry USA in W’ORCS, December, Cincinnati, Ohio

- “You/ with the hundred tongues of fear” and “Take, for example/ the pristine air”, Poetry USA, experimental poetry issue no. 25/26, Oakland, California, ed. Jack Foley

- “Willimina Falls”, Folio, Spring, American University, Washington, DC
  “Driving Like Mad”, Borderlands - Texas Poetry Review, Spring, Austin, Texas


- “When Next Year Bursts and Burrows Where it Falls”, Sierra Magazine, Aug./Sept., San Francisco, California


- “Suddenly…” and “Searching the palpable/patterns”, Poetry USA, Summer, Oakland, California, ed. Jack Foley


- “Pretty Girl Goes to the Movies”, Lamia Press, New York, New York

-  “Ca se voit mieux...” and “How Sunday Meets a Mermaid”, The Plastic Tower, no. 3, Baltimore, Maryland


- “a perfect purple opening, within”, Context South, vol. 1, no. 1, State University, Arkansas

- “For the 86 Killed In A Train Station Bombing”, Poetry Nottingham, vol. 43, no. 3, Nottingham, England

- “Wedding Two Friends”, Maryland Poetry Review, Spring, Baltimore, Maryland


- “Woman with the Green Eyes”, Ocean County Poet’s Collective, “Without Halos” vol. 6, Princeton, New Jersey

- “Chico, Slave Mahatma, and the Nuclear Umbrella”, Poultry Magazine of Comic Poetry, series 2, no. 6, Boston, Massachusetts

- “Woman with the Green Eyes”, W’ORCS, vol. 3, no. 9, Oakland, California

- Three “Trials” and “For the 86 Dead”, SOMA Magazine, July, San Francisco, California


-  “This (Sometimes) Broken Line”, YEW Review, no. 5, Chicago, Illinois


-  “Gnomon to Kalon”, The Bridge, 2nd International, San Francisco, California






- Grants from the SF Arts Commission, the Phyllis Wattis Foundation, and the Sam Mazza Foundation for production of my play, Utopia Maldita produced by Circuit Network (Elisabeth Beaird)



-Nominated for Murphys Creek Theatre New Play Festival



- Winner of Murphys Creek Theatre Festival New play Festival (which insured a five-week run of my play The Clean Break in 2016)



-  nominated for Pulitzer Prize by the RDH Trust for the play “A Killer Story”

-  nominated for Pushcart Award by the editors of In Posse Review and Runes

- awarded a James T. Irvine Grant for production of A Killer Story.

- awarded an RDH Trust grant for production of A Killer Story


-  “Finalist” in the Bay Area Playwrights Festival for "Quartet for Three Characters and Cello" (full-length version)


-  “Children’s Choice” booklist, Children’s Book Council and the International Reading Association, for kid’s book "Colliding with Chris"


- KCBS Valentine’s Day Poetry Contest, “Thelonious for Ora”, San Francisco, California (used pseudonym Peter Stark)


- Best New Ski Film -- for “Le Grand Defi”, Atriom Productions, text by Harder, Rayban Sports Film Award, Aspen, Colorado


- First Prize for “When Next Year Bursts and Burrows Where It Falls”, Oregon Blackberry Festival, Salem, Oregon


- Special Commendation for “Webeast Lustloving to Civilize a Womb”, Arvon Poetry Competition, hosted and judged by Ted Hughes and Seamus Heaney (anthologized two years later by Hughes and Heaney)






- for novel Rancho De Amor, Kirkus Review, December11



- for Zipperz opera CD release, San Francisco Chronicle, March 3, Joshua Kosman



- for The Clean Break at Murphys Creek Theater, February 16, The Union Democrat, Sonora, CA, by Mike Morris



- for “The Killer Story” at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, August 19-26 (different cast/director):

     - 8/29/13, The Edinburgh Festival List, by Niki Boyle

-  for “The Killer Story” at The Marsh, April 12-May18:

     - 4/20/13 by Cindy Warner

     - 4/21/13 by Cindy Warner

     - 4/26/13 by Lee Hartgrave 

     - 4/26/13 San Jose Mercury online by Karin de Souza

     - 4/26/13 The Berkeley Daily Planet by John McMullen

     - 5/2/13 The Examiner by Jean Schiffman

     - 5/2/13 San Joe Mercury, Contra Costa Times, and Oakland Tribune by Karen de Souza, same as her online review 4/26

     - 5/3/13 Silicon Valley Watcher by Tom Foremski

     - 5/6/13 by Sam Hurwitt

     - 5/7/13 SF Bay Guardian by admin

     - 5/8/13 East Bay Express by Alex Bigman

     - 4/26-5/8 Goldstar Reviews -- 4.3 Stars



For the “opera”  "Zipperz, a SoaPOPera":

     - San Francisco Classical Voice, Thomas Busse, March 13, 2011


     - 21st-Century Music, Mark Alburger, May 1, 2001,



For the “opera” "Zipperz, a SoaPOPera":

   - San Francisco Chronicle, Joshua Kosman, November 17
   -, Paul Hertelendy (former stage and music critic for the San Jose       Mercury), Week of November 16
   - SFist. November 20, Cedric
   - Oakland Tribune/Contra Costa Times, Cheryl NOrth, November 17
   - San Francisco Classical Voice, Jason Serinus, November, 18


- Letter to the Editor, LA Times, by Robin Wyshak, 5/14/06 for Stinky Cheese" article


- The Bay Guardian, October 13, for play "Quartet #1", reviewed by Avila


- School Library Journal, January,  "A Child’s California", reviewed by Patti Con


-  Horn Book Guide, Spring, for kid’s book "Colliding with Chris", reviewed by MFS


- Letter to the editor of Los Angeles Times Magazine by Amie Bernstein, 8/29/99 for article “A Most Solitary Place”


For children’s book "Colliding With Chris":
   - Publishers Weekly, 3/23/98
   - Chicago Tribune, 4/26/98, Mary Veeder - School Library Journal
   - Milwaukee Daily, June '98 reviewed by Paula Kiely
   - June '98 six year old John Bolding - Bulletin of the Center of Children’s Books
   - Children’s Book Review Service, New York, New York, June, reviewed by Ann Kalkhoff
   - Journal Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, April 6
   - Kirkus Review, May 11, '98
   - The London Times, 12/8/95, for symphonic treatment of "Colliding with Chris" -
   - The Manchester Guardian, December, for symphonic treatment of "Colliding with Chris", reviewed by Robert   Seale


- News Register of McMinnville, Oregon, 3/8/90, for play "Trying Angles" by Shaun Hearn
 - The Sun of Sheridan, Oregon, 3/7/90, for play "Trying Angles" by Linda Fink


For the play "Trying Angles":

  - San Francisco Chronicle, 5/15/89,  by Bernard Weiner
  - San Francisco Examiner, 5/16/89,  by Scott Rosenberg
  - San Francisco Weekly, 5/29/89,  by Dennis Harvey
  - San Francisco Focus Magazine, March, for play "Yes, I Won’t" (early title for “Trying Angles”) by Alice Thibeau


- News Register of McMinnville, Oregon, 11/25/88, for directing, writing, and life – a portrait





- "Oranges" once again optioned, this time by Sub Rosa Productions, Los Angeles, CA, represented by Sherilyn Moore

- "Oranges" (original screenplay -- romantic comedy, co-written with wife Ora Schulman) optioned for production by H2 Productions, Santa Monica, California, pres. Devorah Cutler and Steven Bakalar
 - "Worlds Apart" (treatment for a children’s television series) sold to Woody Fraser Productions (a division of Universal Studios), North Hollywood, California

- "Wild Mangos"  aka “Rancho de Amor” (original screenplay treatment, co-conceived with wife, Ora Schulman) optioned by H2 Productions, Santa Monica, California, pres. Devorah Cutler and Steven Bakalar

- Sol Uhuru’s Art Shack (created and performed the comic character “Mr. Bobby” as monthly co-host with Dean Clark), Channel 25, San Francisco, California

- “Le Grand Defi” (made for T. V. sports/adventure documentary, director - Sophie Leclerc), aired on ESPN and Eurovision CD-ROM 1995

- “The San Francisco Challenge” (script for an interactive, live action sports video), Transcape Productions, San Francisco, California, pres. Thom Maslow






-  Bal Litteraire -- Des Voix… Found in Translation, a festival of contemporary French plays in translation, 5/25-27, produced by the Playwrights Foundation and the French Consulate, Z Space, San Francisco, CA

- Alfred-George Regner, Painter-Engraver, Translated from Henri Lhotellier’s original French text. On the web site, my translation begins on page 2, “Although the work of Alfred-George Regner…”





- Featured Presentation: “The News: True, False, or Fake – How Can We Tell, What’s Causing the Problem, and What Can We Do About It?”  The Gold Rush Writers Conference, May 6, Mokelumne Hill Hotel Leger

- Tuesday Talk at Pivotal Labs: “What IS Theater?” March 20, San Francisco, CA



- Commencement Address (Student Choice in English) French-American International School, June



- Radio Interview on KPOO, Monday, April 22


- Commencement Address (Student Choice in English) French-American International School, June




- Commencement Address (Student Choice in English) French-American International School, June



- Readings of 6 poems with Max Mathews' High-Q resonances (with Ann Stoerh's simultaneous ambidextrous drawing) as opening act of CCRMA Concert, SomArts, San Francisco, 4/17


- Keynote Speaker, Lompoc Historical Society Annual Dinner, 4/23/07, about up-coming article in LA Times about Point Conception.  Contact person: James Carucci


- Commencement Address (Student Choice in English) French-American International School, June


- “Une Soiree de Musique de Chambre”, premiere of poem "a (not so) simple logic", music composed by Nathaniel Stookey, performed by mezzo Ruth Rainero, baritone Tim Krol, and vibraphonist Raymond Froehlich. Other performances by Donald Runnicles (director, SF Opera), Wolfgang Brendel (Metropolitan Opera), and other musicians of the SF Opera and Symphony. January 18. Produced by the French-American International School.


- Commencement Address (Student Choice in English) French-American International School, June


- Performed monologue "When the Savage Hordes Come Riding Into Town" and stand-up silliness "The Modern World Considered as a Word Math Problem" (with John Santos on drums) at The Marsh, May 27, (other performers included Geoff Hoyle, Bernie Weiner, son Mark Weiner, Randy Craig, etc.)



- Mechanics Library of San Francisco, poetry reading as featured poet in Runes, reading with CB Follet, Susan Terris, Tom Centolella, Grace Grafton, and Carolyn Miller


- One of the “celebrity” (?!) readers at the Moby Dick festival hosted by the San Francisco Maritime Museum and Stanford University (other readers included Patrick Stewart, David Kennedy, Tobias Wolfe, Hilton Obenzinger, etc.). I read the last chapter. My poem, “Yahweh and the Whale”, was (mis!!)printed as an insert to the program.


- Featured author at the “Author’s Faire” at the French-American International School in San Francisco, grades K-5 (all my kiddy books, drumming, and word-play), May 15 and 16, coordinated by Nancy Columbo, Head of Lower School


- Radio interview, KGO (and other RADIO DISNEY affiliates), Dr. Mary Show, April 29, interviewed about kid’s books by Dr. Mary Lamia.


- Commencement Address (Student Choice in English) French-American International School, June


- Radio interview, KPFA, Cover to Cover December 18, interviewed by Denni Smithson about kid’s book, "A Child’s California"


- California Historical Society, January, on the topics of San Francisco history and culture (chosen because of my text for the book "San Francisco Points of View")


- The Harvard Club, November, on the topic of French and American cultures compared (chosen because of my text for the book "France")


- Radio interview, KPFA, Poetry Scene, interviewed by Jack Foley


- Performed poetry (one poem with help of Tom Gressler) at “Cantata for the Cosmos” held at “Arts at Argyle” in the Argyle Winery, Dundee, Oregon, August 1


- Featured reader (children’s book), San Francisco Book Festival, Nov. 2


- Poetry reading with Viola Weinberg at Café Zanzibar, 824 Valencia, October 11


- Featured reader (poetry/drums), San Francisco Book Festival, Nov. 4


- Commencement Address (Student Choice in English) French-American International School, June



- Radio interview and poetry reading with poet Chuck Cockelreas on Oregon Public Radio, January 10


- Featured poet, San Francisco Library Series of Poets



- Todd Lawson Art Show, Channel 25, interviewed by Lawrence Andrews

- One-man sculpture show, Footworks Gallery, San Francisco

- Featured poet, Studio 301, San Francisco, July 21, Dino Vinti impresario, with paintings by Agnes Halpern


- One-man sculpture show, Soker/Kaseman Gallery, July 17-28, San Francisco. Additionally, the opening, July 17, included a poetry reading of my work, electronic music by Kevin Kissell, and the performance of Victor Fink’s String Quartet.


- Poetry readings at, among other venues, The Center Café, Bannam Place, Radio Valencia, Café Babar, Juliette’s Cafe…




- Commencement Address (Student Choice in English) French-American International School, June


- Invited artist (sculpture), 35th annual San Francisco Arts Festival, San Francisco



- Poetry readings in Paris, France, at, among other places, La Pensée Sauvage, Shakespeare and Company, The American University (with Alan Ginsberg – who, after hearing my first “zipper” poem (the first “Trial”) encouraged the fledgling effort with this style …


- Furniture made from my own designs sold at Limn, Contempo, Modern Designs, etc. all in San Francisco. 

PLUS – a whole lot of readings, performances, lectures, and book signings the dates of which I would have to think about to recall precisely, but there are records of all of these events… somewhere around here.  I give a scrunched list of these “memorable” events.

Signings, Readings, Lectures, and Personal Performances: San Francisco Book Festival, Books Inc. – several locations, Northern California Independent Book Association Conventions, Reader’s Books – Sonoma, Academy of Science Bookstore – SF, Oakland Museum, Booksmith – SF, Golden Gate National Recreation Area bookstores – several locations, California Historical Society – SF, Sierra Club Bookstore – Oakland, Borders – several locations, Book Passage – Corte Madera, BEA Convention – Los Angeles, Depot – Mill Valley, Builder’s Booksource – SF, William Stout Architectural Books – SF, Kepler’s – Menlo Park, Barnes and Noble – several locations, San Francisco City Hall, Mechanic’s Institute Library and Theater – SF, Fresno Arts and Cultural Center – Fresno, The Harvard Club of San Francisco, Claire Lilienthal School – SF, Copperfield’s – Sebastopol, Diesel Books – Oakland, Capitola Books – Capitola, Hicklebees – San Jose, Avid Reader – Davis, Bay Books – Coronado, Dutton’s Books – Los Angeles, Rooks and Becords – SF, The American University – Paris, Shakespeare & Company – Paris, Radio Valencia – SF, Café Babar – SF, La Pensee Sauvage – Paris, Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, Stanford U., Lompoc Historical Society – Lompoc, Paramount Theater – Oakland AND Marin Civic Auditorium – Marin (lecture/reading prior to performances of Zipperz opera), Gold Rush Writer’s Conference – Mokelumne Hill, Tuesday Talks at Pivotal Labs – San Francisco

Radio: NPR – Morning Edition, All Things Considered (my commentaries), KQED – California Report (my commentaries), KALW (interviews for plays and opera), KGO (interviews), KPFA (interviews and poetry readings), KPOO (interviews), Oregon Public Radio (interview and poetry reading), North Carolina Public Radio and Television (performance of book), KCBS (poetry reading)





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